Friday, June 4, 2010

Dear Lord - A Letter of Intent

Dear Lord,
I know I do not say this enough, I feel it all the time in my heart but I would just like to tell the world how wonderful You are. You have blessed me so much and I wish I could shout it from the mountain tops.
Thank you for my family, thank you for healing my parents so that I may enjoy them a little longer on earth and they can watch my kids grow up.
Thank you for my wonderful husband who you brought all the way from the Philippines, he is just the best mate and Dad a woman and children could ask for.
Thank you for my healthy, active, talented adorable children. I am so blessed that they love You and desire to attend church and even when they don't your Holy Spirit convicts them and we get there.
Thank you for my job, I love my co workers and the midnight shift that I work while my children asleep. I don't miss any of their activities, I may be tired but I am there....oh except the one time I missed Emily's school program : (
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for dying on the cross so that we might be saved and have eternity with You.


Denise said...

Beautiful words from a beautiful heart. I love you sis.

Melissa A. said...

Hi there, stopping by from Julie's...That was amazing! I don't say things like that enough either. Thanks for reminding me to be thankful for the important things in my life!

Check out my Letters of Intent here!

More Than Words said...

That was a beautiful letter, Lisa!!!

Foursons said...

I am thankful every day for His grace and mercy. Without it, I'd be a huge mess. Thank you for reminding me that He is worthy of my attention every moment of the day.

Thanks for linking up!

McCrakensx4 said...

What a nice letter Lisa and a great reminder. I, too, am thankful for His unconditional love and mercy.

He & Me + 3 said...

What a great letter Lisa. Love it. Love how you signed it too.

Beth Zimmerman said...

That was a sweet loving letter and I'm sure it made the Lord smile! :)

Sue said...

What a beautiful letter. He is amazing isn't He?!!

Thanks for brining a smile to my face :-)