Monday, May 25, 2009

This Memorial Day I Salute My Dad.....

This is a picture of my Mom & Dad on their wedding day, before my Dad went to Korea.

My Dad was in the Korean War. He was severely injured by a "bouncing betty" a grenade. He worked as a medic and a soldier was down so he ran into the war zone to get the injured soldier. He put the soldier on his back and ran and they were both hit by the "bouncing betty".

My Dad suffered major injuries. The grenade had put a hole in my Dad's abdomen and killed the soldier he was carrying. The soldiers covered my dad and thought he was going to die. He didn't die, they discovered he was still alive, a while later, and they did what they had to do to save his life. My dad got a medical discharge and then went on to Bible College and preached in the ministry for 40+ years. He is still the prayer minister at our church even though he resides now in a nursing home.

There is one very sweet woman at our church that was healed of stage 4, very serious, breast cancer. She went through vigorous treatment and at times didn't know if she would make it. She told me, "Lisa, it was those times your Dad would call and pray with me and I felt my strength come back, I felt peace". ...She is now speaking at cancer walk engagements and witnessing about how the Lord healed her. Every chance she gets she tells me how much my Dad means to her. If she only knew how much it means to me to hear that. She prays for him everyday and for that I am so thankful.

My Dad always prays with me, if I am sick or the kids are sick, if I have any kind of trouble that is the first thing he does is pray. Another thing he does is offer to help us financially. He would not give us one penny when we were kids without having us pay him back....I bought my own car, my own cell phone.....he wanted to teach me to work for things. His help today is more appreciated than it ever would have been back then and I think he knew that.

I could go on and on about my Dad. The most important thing he taught me was about the Lord. The Lord comes first, ask a blessing over every meal and pray everyday. We were the typical Pentecostal family, church 3 times a week- twice on Sunday.

My Dad is finally adjusting to being in the nursing home and talks more and seems to have more strength. I appreciate all of your prayers, a few months ago I did not think my parents would be alive today but God answered prayer....Amen. I am thankful for the wisdom, direction and strength God given my sister. She is the one who has found the good doctors and the wonderful nursing home. I know the Lord put the path before her and I Praise Him for that.


Denise said...

Such a beautiful, heart touching tribute to your dear dad my friend.

McCrakensx4 said...

What a nice tribute to your dad. I am glad that he is adjusting well to his new surroundings. I, too, made a tribute to my dad this Memorial day; he fought in Veitman. Have a restful Memorial day with your fam!

Angela said...

What a beautiful post. Your dad is amazing. I praise God that He has given your dad peace, and all that I keep thinking about is, what a mighty prayer warrior he is going to be at this nursing home....WOW.

Beth in NC said...

That is so beautiful Lisa. You are so blessed to have such a wonderful, godly Dad.


Katrina said...

What a loving tribute to your father. That was so heartfelt. What a hero! God Bless you all! A big thank you to your father!

Mikki said...

What a beautiful post! I love seeing old pictures like that.
I'm sure your dad is so proud of you too!!

Have a wonderful Memorial Day!

And tell your Dad that there is a family in FL that truly appreciates all he has done for his country!

Anonymous said...

What an awesome tribute! I miss your dad being at church.

He & Me + 3 said...

That was an Beautiful Tribute to your Dad. He is an amazing soldier and prayer warrior. What a blessing to know him. Love that wedding picture. So gorgeous.

Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

What a great tribute to your dad and to everyone on Memorial Day. He is such a lovely person!

momstheword said...

What a beautiful tribute to your dad! Mine was at Pearl Harbor when it was bombed and was blown off the ship. He never talked about it much until years later, we kids found his stories fascinating.

Glad your dad is at peace in the nursing home! Just proof that the Lord gives peace whatever circumstance we find ourselves in!

Mamí♥Picture said...

Amazing!!! This is a Beautiful Tribute to your Dad!! What a wonderful Man!tell him that the family Cobos appreciates what he did for our country. Thanks for sharing a BEAUTIFUL story...