Friday, April 3, 2009

I have recently started taking lifemax about one month and a half ago. I am feeling much better. I have more energy, I have lost 14 pounds. I have control of my appetite and I don't crave sugar or carbohydrates. This miracle seed is good for all kinds of diseases. Diabetes and heart problems just to name a few. It has omega 3's which has reduced my joint inflammation. I have a better feeling of "well being", I don't know why I started to market this product...I guess because I felt so good after taking it. My body felt so satisfied nutritionally. I eat it in my oatmeal every morning and drink plenty of water during the day. I am never ravenous hungry it is so much easier to diet. Can't get any better than that, I have energy, I can lose weight and I am prolonging the aging process.


momstheword said...

Well I haven't heard of lifemax but I did enjoy the song! It was a beautiful song. The pictures of some of those kids are so sad, so thin. Loved the smiling happy faces at the end.

He & Me + 3 said...

I really need some of that. Sample please...:)

Denise said...

Sounds awesome.

Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

Where do you buy this stuff..I am on a major budget but you know what??? I will bust it out to lose 14 share???

Anonymous said...

You can find white chia seeds online for less than $7/lb plus shipping. Use up to 2 tbsp a day to get the nutritional value. That's all lifemax is. Save your money.