Thursday, September 4, 2008


Emily had her first soccer game of the season tonight. She played very well. Emily is going to be very busy for a while, she is still taking 3 dance classes and will start piano lessons next Tuesday. Soccer will only last through October so I am not too worried she will be too busy but I did go to a mandatory 4th grade parents meeting and her teachers are very serious about preparing these kids for adulthood, yes I said adulthood. I was thinking to myself they are only 9 but I guess now is the time to start. The teachers talked about things like BO and bad breath, I was cracking up, but they made a very good point that kids start to judge and alienate each other at this age so they are just asking the parents to be aware of hygiene as well as helping them to adjust to more responsibility.
I don't have to worry about Emily's hygiene and so far she is more prepared and better at following up on things than her older brother--but that is a boy for you. So far, AJ has been very contentious about what he needs and what he has to do for school, maybe it could be because he is now at the middle school??? Whatever the case, I pray it lasts.


He & Me + 3 said...

Nice picture! Fall is officially here. I love the fall and all it's sports. Had fun walking today..let's do it again.

Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

Great shots! I love it! I am in the mood for Jeans and sweaters. I heard about your walk....wish I was closer.