Saturday, February 28, 2009

Then Sings My Soul

Jesus has put this song in my heart, probably to remind me that "He is ever interceding to the Father" for me. This has got to be the most difficult time in my life. I am so glad to know Jesus. My dad is back in the hospital and I had a talk with him yesterday and told him how much I love him. Holding his hand looked just like Dr. Zara's and then I started to cry because they have already lost their dad and it is heart wrenching. I am so glad to have a Heavenly Father who has so much compassion and love and knows our pain. My dad would love to go home to Heaven but I told him when the Lord is ready He will come and get you. He is so tired of the pain and his thoughts are so mixed up because of that dementia. God is not finished with him yet or He is trying to teach me something....I don't know.


Anonymous said...

Isn't it great when God gives you the comfort you need. Got to love it!

LisaShaw said...

Absolutely beautiful. We can come boldly to the throne because of Christ! Because He is always interceeding for us. My heart is overflowing. Thanks for sharing this.

momstheword said...

You're going through a lot of stress right now, so just rest in the Father and know that He is in control and His timing is perfect.

I saw somebody yesterday that reminded me of my dad. It still hurts but not as sharp as time passes and the Lord heals.

He will help you bear this, and later, He will help you bear that.

He & Me + 3 said...

I do love that song...Remember when Jeannie Smith and my mom used to sing that in church. Oh so pretty. What a comfort to know that God is in control.

Beth in NC said...

I'm so sorry friend. Bless you Lisa.

Mikki said...

Oh dear friend. You have been through a lot lately. I will continue to keep you and your family and friends in prayer!

Denise said...

I am sorry to hear that your dad is back in the hospital, I love you.

Karen said...

I haven't hear that song in a long time, but I always loved the message it gave! So sorry for the suffering of your dad and the suffering of your heart...I prayed to our Father God for comfort and strength for you both.