Thursday, October 16, 2008


J- My joy comes from knowing Jesus as my Personal Savior and putting all my trust in Him. He has truly blessed me my whole life. I have wonderful Christian parents who raised me to know Him. I had a great childhood with a grandmother who I am pretty sure is seated next to Jesus in Heaven now because of her faithfulness and the witnessing she did to everyone while sitting in the shoe department at Sears. I am blessed with a wonderful husband and a house full of kids. I am also blessed with a sister who means more to me than she will ever realize. The blessings do not stop there but this blog would be endless.............
O- I am optimistic that things happen for a reason and when you know the Lord and put all your trust in Him all things work together for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. No matter what happens I always try to stay positive.
Y- I do not think about yesterday, whether it was a success or failure. Either way one has to move on. We cannot park by our successes because we need to keep moving and making more. We cannot park by our failures or we will be stuck in a rut.
The is how I keep my JOY, be on guard because there will always be people or situations that will try to rob you of your JOY. I have learned it is my responsibility not to let anything happen to my joy.


He & Me + 3 said...

Nice take on JOY! I love it. Breaks the word down so nice! Nice post!

Denise said...

Such an awesome post, be blessed with much joy.

Stacy@hiswaynotmine said...

How true are those be on guard because oh how Satan wants to rob us of the Joy we have in Jesus. I love what you said today...your Joy comes shining through. Glad I stopped by.

Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

I never thought of an acronym...nice job on this one!